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Podcast only feed for: The Beefboy Rants

Please add the entire URL above to your podcast software.

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Or, you can download the individual episodes below.

2005 Movie Slump Pt. One

The Zombie Holocaust Survival Kit


The Beefboy would like to thank the lovely and talented Jennifer, from Mean Girl Makeup for her voice talent on the opening and closing of my podcasts.


You don't have to have an iPod to listen to podcasts. Hell, you don't even have to have a portable player to keep up on what the Beefboy has to say, or anyone else in the podcasting world (and there's a lot and growing every day).

The programs below will allow you to download new episodes of the Beefboy Rants, and any other programs you're interested in, and you know what? They're free!

If you have a PC platform, you can use Juice (the Beefboy does)!

Download Juice, the cross-platform podcast receiver

If you have a Mac platform, you probably are already hooked up with the software, but if not, you should be using iTunes. (Also free, and also used by The Beefboy).

I'll be listing every directory that has The Beefboy Rants in my links section. Please support me and them by paying them a visit.

Oklahoma City Photography at Sight Key Studios